
spread in the air Learn more about spread in the air

  • Asparagus tea processing technology

    Asparagus tea processing technology

    1. Process flow: raw material picking-airing-roller deactivation-air cooling-hot air secondary deactivation-rolling-spreading blank, airing-hot air drying-finished product-packaging 2. Operation points: 1. raw material picking: length 3~3.5cm, cutting length requires high uniformity. 2. Spreading and drying: collect the raw materials, spread them flat in a room with good ventilation and convection conditions, generally use bamboo mats or plastic films as ground bedding, and dry the surface moisture in a natural state. 3. Roll out: spread out

  • How do poplars spread their seeds?

    How do poplars spread their seeds?

    Poplars spread their seeds by the wind. Because the poplar seeds are small and light, they can be suspended in the air and blown away by the wind, so that the seeds can be spread. Poplars spread their seeds by the wind. Because the poplar seeds are small and light, and can be suspended in the air.

    2020-11-08 Poplar fuck what spread seed poplar yes wind.
  • Succulent plants spread out the pie. Don't worry. These are ways to make you succulent and beautiful again.

    Succulent plants spread out the pie. Don't worry. These are ways to make you succulent and beautiful again.

    In the succulent world, the so-called "spread cake" is actually the succulent leaves in the process of growth from the original closing form, longer and more open to show an open state, losing the original posture. The succulent plant that has just been bought does not count as gradually opening up in the form of closure.

  • Mushroom diseases and their control techniques

    Mushroom diseases and their control techniques

    1. Fungal diseases 1. Brown rot. Also known as white rot, blister disease. Spores are carried into the mushroom house through soil cover and spread by air and pests. When the mushroom room air circulation, high temperature and humidity in case of serious disease. A large number of white mycelia were formed on the mushroom bed. After infection, the fruiting body stipe swelled into bubbles, and when it was serious, it formed deformed mushrooms, which turned brown, or formed white flocculent balls with indistinguishable stipe. Prevention and control methods: mainly to cover the soil disinfection. Put the covering soil in the empty room, add 3 grams of formaldehyde to 5 ml per square meter

  • The method of spreading seeds by plants

    The method of spreading seeds by plants

    Generally speaking, the ways in which plants spread seeds can be divided into two categories: one is with the help of external forces, such as the power of wind, water, animals and human beings; the other is to rely on their own strength. It can be divided into the following categories

  • Is swine fever airborne?

    Is swine fever airborne?

    The outbreak of swine fever has caused many farmers to receive certain economic losses, and most farmers do not know much about swine fever. What are the modes of transmission of swine fever? Is swine fever airborne? Is swine fever airborne? Classical swine fever can spread through the air,

    2020-11-11 swine fever spread in the air outbreak of swine fever let very many
  • Home plants: What are the methods of plant seed transmission

    Home plants: What are the methods of plant seed transmission

    Home plants: What are the methods of plant seed transmission

  • Mechanization Technology of Peanut production

    Mechanization Technology of Peanut production

    Mechanization Technology of Peanut production

  • Give artificial respiration to the flowers, the leaves are as green as emerald, and the roots are not rotten for 20 years.

    Give artificial respiration to the flowers, the leaves are as green as emerald, and the roots are not rotten for 20 years.

    There are many flower friends, especially inexperienced novice flower growers, who accidentally rot the flowers. What's going on? Most of them are due to the poor air permeability of the soil, which suffocates the flower roots alive! Today, Huahua wants to teach everyone to give the flowers a "artificial respiration", so that the roots can breathe fresh air freely, grow thick and strong, and let the leaves shine green!

  • Tea seed storage

    Tea seed storage

    The technical measures to preserve tea seeds from spoilage and affect the germination rate. Tea seeds are large seeds with high water content in kernels. Under general temperature, humidity and air conditions, the water content of stored tea seeds has a great influence on vitality. When the water content is less than 20% and higher than 50%, the germination rate of tea seeds decreases significantly, and the germination rate is the highest when the water content is about 30%. Therefore, during the storage of tea seeds, the water content should be kept at about 30%. The suitable storage condition of tea seed is 5: 7 ℃ and 60: 65 relative humidity.

  • How do plants spread seeds?

    How do plants spread seeds?

    How do plants spread seeds?

  • Lin Baowen's cultivation experience of Lentinus edodes

    Lin Baowen's cultivation experience of Lentinus edodes

    Lin Baowen, Yangjiajiaolan Village, Wafangdian City, began to cultivate Lentinus edodes 9 years ago. 4800 Lentinus edodes were cultivated in an arched shed of 180 square meters, with a net benefit of more than 20, 000 yuan per year. Through his demonstration and leading role, more than 40 farmers around him have successively engaged in the production of Lentinus edodes, which is called the leader of Lentinus edodes production. His experience in cultivating Lentinus edodes is as follows. 1. The selection of strain is due to the sowing date in November, and the greenhouse temperature in the culture period and mushroom stage is greatly affected by the external air temperature. Therefore, wide-temperature varieties such as "Xiang VED" are selected.

  • How does dandelion spread its seeds?

    How does dandelion spread its seeds?

    Dandelion is a plant that we can often see, its characteristic is that flowers can float in the air with the wind, very beautiful. So, do you know how dandelions spread their seeds? 1. How does dandelion spread its seeds? Dandelions depend on the wind.

    2020-11-08 Dandelion yes shit what spread seed dandelion
  • Take effective measures to prevent and control contamination of edible fungi

    Take effective measures to prevent and control contamination of edible fungi

    Take effective measures to prevent and control contamination of edible fungi

  • What do you pay attention to in autumn?

    What do you pay attention to in autumn?

    Pigs in autumn should pay attention to control indoor temperature, keep warm and avoid excessive temperature difference between morning and evening. At the same time, pay attention to the circulation of air in the circle to prevent the spread of diseases caused by air pollution. Seize the golden age to add nutrition to pigs, gain weight, and inject them at the same time

    2020-11-08 autumn pig raising attention what abstract should
  • Prevention and treatment of common diseases of primroses

    Prevention and treatment of common diseases of primroses

    Primroses sowing from that moment, not only to do a good job of maintenance and management, disease and pest prevention is also one of the keys to raising primroses, once there is a small problem in a certain procedure, primroses will also play a small mood, so that you are busy without a clue. So what are the common diseases and pests of primroses in the process of culture?

  • The plant has rotten roots? Spread it on the bottom of the pot. it won't rot in the pot for five years. The presbyopia uses it.

    The plant has rotten roots? Spread it on the bottom of the pot. it won't rot in the pot for five years. The presbyopia uses it.

    The plant has rotten roots? Lay a layer of this thing in the bottom of the pot, potted for 5 years without rotting roots, old gardeners use it, luxuriant leaves! An old gardener told me that it is better than anything else to put some of this on the bottom of the potted plant. It is ceramsite.

  • It's autumn. The seed begins to travel.

    It's autumn. The seed begins to travel.

    Homemade "launchers" some plants do not need cars or airplanes at all, and they have come up with a particularly interesting way to travel: when the seeds are ripe, throw them into the air. For example, spray melon, impatiens, violets and so on. Spray melon.

  • How to raise air pineapple culture method of air pineapple

    How to raise air pineapple culture method of air pineapple


  • What is better for potted plants?

    What is better for potted plants?

    What is better for potted plants?
